As a Christian Science organization, we are here to bring the healing message of the Christ.
Our work is the combined activity of volunteer branch church members providing services, literature, and prayerful support, when requested, to individuals isolated from regular church activities. Branch church volunteers should be members of The Mother Church as well as of a branch church. Those involved in one-to-one contact work must also have had Christian Science Class instruction. Currently served are the residents of New York State correctional facilities, prisons, psychiatric institutions, major city hospitals, state youth facilities, federal V.A. hospitals, nursing homes, and county and local jails.
The Bible and Christian Science literature, including our textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, The Christian Science Monitor, Sentinel, and Christian Science Quarterly Bible Lessons are distributed where appropriate. Our purpose is to provide help where sought and is not to “spread” Christian Science in the institutions. We are not there to proselytize. We are there to share the Christ, Truth as taught in Christian Science and to help them find their real identities as the children of God. There are state guidelines that must be adhered to and are available from the Committee office.
Church services are tailored to individual institutions. Besides services, one-to-one discussions allow the inquirer to explore how the principles of Christian Science are applied to specific situations. Our message that God’s man is not a sinner heals guilt and speeds regeneration.
Our volunteers do not become involved in giving personal advice, financial assistance, nor do they aid in legal matters. The work is wholly on a spiritual basis. They may pray with a resident or refer the need for help to a participating practitioner. A Christian Science practitioner supports anyone seeking healing through prayer alone.
The State Office is under the direction of a salaried executive administrator, Bonnie Loan, who provides consistency with federal and state policies without compromising the principles of Christian Science, and in general assists in maintaining the quality of the work. The executive administrator also:
The work is supported by volunteers who are branch church members and appointed by their branch churches as representatives to this committee. There are eleven zones in New York State. Each is governed democratically through its Zone Committee and made up of representatives (and alternates where possible) from participating branches who largely determine the institutional work to be carried out in their geographic vicinity. Representatives keep their own churches informed of this activity and recommend potential volunteers to their own board which, in turn, submits names to the state committee. Representatives are appointed by the branch churches, whereas the volunteers are recommended by the branches, but appointed by the committee.
* The zone number corresponds to the numbers on the map
The State Committee meets two times a year in New York City or by telephone conferences that enable all zone chairs to participate in reviewing state activities and needs. Each zone also has periodic meetings for its representatives and volunteers. Zones select local institutions to be served and handle their own scheduling and day-to-day relations as appropriate.
Branch churches make pro rata contributions in support of the work, prepare literature for distribution, maintain space for books to be brought to facilities and sponsor Christian Science lectures in the facilities with help from the State Committee.
This work strengthens a branch church by enlarging the scope of the concept of “church” by answering the calls for help from a community which would not otherwise have access to the many avenues by which healing and regeneration are reached.
Our committee focuses on the reality of
perfect God and perfect man.
“... God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
“Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour saw God's own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick. Thus Jesus taught that the kingdom of God is intact, universal, and that man is pure and holy.”
Do you have a question about our services, or simply want to be in contact? Please fill out the form below.